Love ‘em or hate ‘em, Uber and Lyft have presented the services market with undeniable evidence that utilizing real-time data can transform a business model and create new avenues for growth. The ride hailing model took the traditional “catch as you can” taxi service and brought real-time, interactive data to both customers and drivers to improve the experience and efficiency for both parties.
Real-time data means calling for a ride is no longer a guessing game. The customer is apprised of what car to look out for and can even track the car’s ETA for pickup. Likewise, the driver knows who they are picking up and where they are going before they get to the pickup spot.
Consider your clients’ ability to improve their planning and readiness if they can see real-time data about when your team will arrive. You can set the level of granularity, but the opportunity to better prepare for work ahead allows both your clients and your teams to coordinate the work to be done.
Looking Out for the Best Opportunities
The real-time data provides customers with a better experience because they can see when their estimated pick up and arrival time is as well as their cost. The driver is also empowered to choose when and where they focus their energy to leverage their field-based knowledge of conditions, destinations, and alternate routes.
Uber and Lyft represent one of the best uses of real-time service data in the industry, and the ensuing popularity of the services has disrupted the taxi and limousine industry in most major cities as a result. Imagine having your field personnel optimizing opportunities based on both their expertise and the use of real-time data for pricing, scheduling, priority, supplies, and personnel.
Customizing Your Real-time Data Delivery
While ERP and CRM software can be used to assemble the data that you want, to deliver it to your office and field personnel in real time, and in a format that works specifically for your business may require a custom software solution. But this does not have to be a crippling expense.
Cost-effectiveness demands that you engage scalable, right-sized solutions built to make relevant data visible and interactive. Triple Helix works with your enterprise-level system to put the most important data in the hands of the right people to maximize your software investment dollars. Both company personnel and clients can see the specific data you need them to have, in real time to transform your service business.
Since 2004, Triple Helix has provided data and information systems for the aerospace and manufacturing industries as well as businesses in the service, healthcare, and non-profit sectors. Our solutions complement existing technology investments to avoid costly replacements. Contact us if you would like to schedule a risk-free consultation to see if Triple Helix can help your company better organize, access, and leverage your data.