Attracting talented young workers is a key investment in the future of any enterprise. Equally important to making your investment pay off is making sure they stay. The current generations of incoming employees have been lifelong technology users, a fact that comes with benefits for employers, but may lead to some necessary retooling of the workplace.
Effectiveness in Information Transfer
Information and technology are the twin engines of modern businesses. One is only as good as the other, and only if they work together. When Gen Z and Gen Y workers come into a business environment, a great deal of their life experience has been moderated by technology: especially by touch screens and app technology that aim to keep their attention and make tasks easy to accomplish.
But businesses are not being asked to implement digital babysitters! Quite the opposite. The rise in “app natives” actually offers current employers an excellent opportunity to use the app mentality to rethink technology and information transfer across the board, for all employees’ benefit.
What Makes an App Effective?
In a word, usability. Your enterprise software may be cutting edge in its own right, but is the information that it develops easily available? Is your interface clear and informative? Using some of the internet’s best ideas about retail sites (make it easy to search, easy to see, easy to buy) can improve usability for all of your employees, not just your youngest cohort.
Whether your data is maintained by an ERP or CRM solution, think of the different internal “apps” that different types of employees need to accomplish their tasks. Can they interact with that data easily and intuitively or is the process plagued with manual or repetitive steps that increase frustration and reduce job satisfaction?
Think of each process as an opportunity to create custom apps that move your employees from simply using data to producing and consuming intelligence. Even if these apps reside in the same software solution, the aim should be to save your employees time and deliver more useful information (or intelligence) at the right time to the right employee. That kind of experience can help engage younger workers and increase their job satisfaction and loyalty.
Triple Helix’s Data-Connecting Apps
We start with a process that emphasizes understanding your business processes thoroughly and mapping out what your employees need to know to help your operation function at high efficiency. We can then recommend a suite of “apps” with design similarity would also allow your employees to move smoothly from one part of the business, or project, to another. Such a custom suite creates a cost-effective way to utilize your existing ERP or CRM system, while making your information available and easy to use for all employees, new and seasoned.
If you would like to see your system’s information come together in real-time, while cutting down on employee and customer frustration, contact us. We specialize in helping companies organize data more effectively, access it more easily, and analyze it more thoroughly to help improve business operations.