In normal business cycles, businesses and organizations see a fairly predictable level of personnel turnover and client/customer shifts. However, when large shifts in our operations occur quickly (whether by choice or not) we can use the situation to consider whether our systems are truly agile.
Getting the Best out of Your Real-time Data
If you have taken a data-first approach to the mountains of information that your ERP or CRM accumulates, then you are already ahead of the game. You are already positioned to know what specific questions your data can answer, and what kind of reporting is necessary at crucial points along project development and execution.
The key question that is illuminated in an unusual business and social situation, like we have been presented with recently, is whether your systems will allow your business is able to change course quickly as the new circumstances require.
Availability of Data Makes Things Tick
Because staff may be working remotely suddenly, their ability to access the data and reports that allow them to continue working means the difference between them sitting on their email and waiting for developments, and their continuing to move your projects forward. This may be a matter of visibility or of connecting the right employees to the right data.
Some manufacturers are finding that they are suddenly called on to shift their production to address new needs that have sprung up, virtually overnight. A solution that fits your business as only custom software can, allows you to add in the novel production requirements, without losing projects that may have to step back in the queue temporarily. Your employees can see where each project is, and have access to real-time updates, in spite of changing situations.
Sound Communications Strategies Make Staff Efficient from Anywhere
The effects of shutdowns on staff can be extreme. If you have staff who are essential and some who are non-essential, then real-time data availability becomes your business advantage. Your projects stay on schedule, while we all work towards returning to business-as-usual conditions.
Triple Helix understands that changing times call for novel approaches to how we get business done. With over 15 years of helping businesses, organizations, and nonprofits find custom solutions to a wide variety of software challenges.
If you would like to data support a truly agile organization, while cutting down on employee and customer frustration, contact us. We specialize in helping companies organize data more effectively, access it more easily, and analyze it more thoroughly to help improve business operations.