No matter the type of business or organization, one law reigns supreme: paperwork is boring. The corollary to that is, of course: boredom causes errors. Shortcuts are almost inevitable when repetitive or convoluted paperwork processing takes its toll on employees and their time-crunched schedules. Enter the robots!
Getting to Effective Processes
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) offers your organization the potential for creating processes that serve specific goals, while automating the steps that are often the downfall of accurate paperwork completion. If your organization is in a financial, service or non-profit sector, then the integrity of your paperwork is crucial. Audits are notoriously resistant to understanding the realities of human error.
Beyond accounts payable or receivable, RPA can be useful for any process that tends to the repetitive. Examples abound in every office, from standard personnel filings to tax forms, and service invoices. On the shop floor, billable hours, parts, and process projections can be automated to keep your employees on task, rather than pausing for data entry downtime. An additional feature of RPA systems is the ability to automate reporting, so the right people see the right business information every time.
RPA and Your ROI
Implementing RPA can seem more like a great idea than a tangible reality. This is where our diagnostic expertise can help you get started. Triple Helix solutions are based, not on pre-determined procedural order, but on your internal process structures.
Our initial, or Phase Zero, discovery step brings your business or organization into focus, helping us to understand your goals and needs. We take the time to define your business problems, and where you want to see improvements. The solutions we propose are custom-made to benefit your organization as you operate, rather than demanding that you adapt your process to suit the software.
Not Just Another Layer of Software
With the mountains of data that enterprises collect, and large number of systems required to process it, it may seem counterintuitive to add more software. However, adding the right software, software that gets to the heart of using the collected data to make your organization run more smoothly and effectively, makes financial sense. You add apps to your smartphone to accomplish specific tasks, so why not add apps to your business to improve outcomes there?
If you would like to see your system’s information come together in real-time, while cutting down on employee and customer frustration, contact us. We specialize in helping companies organize data more effectively, access it more easily, and analyze it more thoroughly to help improve business operations.