A Cybersecurity Mistake Companies Can’t Afford To Keep Making
Businesses are taking cybersecurity more seriously but forgetting an important first step when trying to better secure their sensitive data.
This Site May Be Hacked – Now What?
If Google unfortunately marks your site this way, here are some recommended steps to get it removed.
Spreadsheet Addiction – How Your Business Can Break Free Of It
Over-dependence on spreadsheets occurs for one main reason: Excel is available on just about everyone’s desktop, and it can be used with little or no training. That’s great for ease of use, and for many purposes Excel functions as a powerful, flexible, accessible tool. But this can also lead to a lot of problems.
Blockchain Will Undoubtedly Change The Insurance Business
The implications for decentralized ledger technology in a transaction-intensive industry like insurance are substantial. Simplifying the claims process, reducing high premiums, helping insurers create niche coverages, benefitting insureds who live in catastrophe or ultra-poor regions, the list goes on. It translates into very real possibilities to transition new and existing models of insurance into the digital age.
A Much Better Way To Acquire New Customers
Ever wish you could track a visitor’s specific actions on your website after sending him an email marketing message? You can. Once the tracking is in place, the potential for converting visitors into new customers increases substantially.
HIPAA Fine: How Sloppy Paperwork Results In a $500k Penalty
Not staying current with paperwork necessary for HIPAA compliance, in addition to unencrypted patient information on backup tapes, will now lead to penalties instead of just warnings. Times are changing.