Insights & Impact

What Does IIoT Mean for Small Manufacturers?

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is talked about as more of a reality today than ever before. Smart factories built by Ericsson, Schneider Electric, and other technology providers have provided concrete examples of how IIoT can drive further improvements in manufacturing.

July 24th, 2019|

Stop Spending More Time Finding Data Than Using It

You may think there is nothing more irritating than looking everywhere for your car keys only to find them in the first place you looked. However, spending more time tracking down the right data to manage your manufacturing business than actually using it is both irritating and costly.

July 17th, 2019|

Create Efficient Reporting Processes with Your ERP

Talking with small and mid-sized manufacturers on a regular basis we usually see a common thread in their business challenges: a lack of timely and accurate data to make decisions quickly.

June 27th, 2019|

Use Business Intelligence to Look Forward Rather than Backwards

The vast amount of data generated by modern manufacturing operations is a blessing and a curse. There is so much value in the data, but the investment of time and money needed to harness the data can seem daunting to operations of all sizes.

June 19th, 2019|

Get Everyone on the Bus to Get More Out of Your ERP Data

There is so much data involved in running a modern manufacturing operation that an ERP solution is pretty much a necessity to keep up with the reporting requirements for managing your business. While accurate reports are important, have you explored all the ways your ERP could be powering all aspects of your operations?

June 12th, 2019|

Changing the Perception of Manufacturing Careers

The stories about American manufacturing in the media today are still a mix of stereotypes and challenges and public perceptions of the industry reflect the lack of a cohesive picture of this key piece of the American economy.

June 5th, 2019|
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